Devastated with time!

Centuries have passed, yet there remains an unsolved mystery of the floating limestone shoals!
Moving back to time, in Treta Yuga, name craved over the shoal made it float (according to Indian mythology). Adam’s Bridge or well known as Rama Setu’s over water connectivity of Pamban Island to Sri Lanka commenced the beginning of end of Ravana. 

With a historic touch, moving to reality, we offer you to sway with us in time!

The ghost town awaits your presence! Dhanushkodi!

Dhanushkodi, a Tamil land, a south eastern Pamban part, is as mysterious as the Adam’s Bridge. The land acquired its name from, the Adam’s bridge’s destruction which was on request of Lankan King Vibhishana, by Lord Rama with an end (kodi) of Dhanush (bow). Further destruction to the bridge was caused by cyclones hitting during the 15th century and in 1960’s interval. 

The Ghost Town Secrets:
Known well for devastation, the land railways have been washed away with a 115 passengers in the train about to reach Dhanushkodi. The mainland connectivity to Dhanushkodi has also been diminished which now remains up to Rameshwaram. The place offers tourist with the attraction of remains of time in the history. All it offers is the remains which once was a panorama for the travellers across!

The sandwiched state, between the Bay Of Bengal and the Indian Ocean delivers a pristine view of greenish-bluish endless waters on either sides of route to Dhanushkodi!

And for our history lovers-cum-explorers, floating stone as an exemplar is preserved at a temple in Dhanushkodi. If you be there, never miss it!

The Dhanushkodi beach submerges the land at night making me feel of the wondrous experience. :P
And ghosts and ghostlands are always loved by fellow writer. :P ;)

Added to wishlist: A night stay at Dhanushkodi. :D 

Written By: Gurleen Saluja
Edited By: Ruchi Kalra

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